Friday, August 3, 2007

Fitting Form to Function: More Advertisements for Myself.

My 1996 book with this title has been selling more vigorously in the last couple of years than ever before, though we are not talking bigtime sales. Still, I am pleased and you (whoever stumbles on this blog) should be apprised. Here is the basic informtion: Fitting Form to Function is the title, while the more informative subtitle is A Primer on the Organization of Academic Institutions. It is published in the Series: American Council on Education Oryx Press Series on Higher Education that now comes out from the Greenwood Publishing Group. Check out

Here are comments about the book:

As a higher education professional, I found this book to be tremendously valuable. Weingartner's dispassionate yet lightly humorous look at the structure of a university makes this book a great resource to consult whenever day-to-day operations become confusing....This would be a fabulous addition, as a balance to the more theoretical texts available, to the reading list for a higher education administration class. —NACADA Journal

This book examines the organization and functions of the major departments and offices within a college and university and offers explicit advice on the best way to integrate the two to achieve efficient governance. —Resources in Education
Rudolph H. Weingartner offers a new, analytical view of the structure of colleges and universities - explained with the help of 27 "maxims" in his latest book....The book is organized according to function....Weingartner does not advocate the traditional departmental structure as the ideal but as the most practical organizational solution available. —Academic Leader
The author uses 27 maxims as guidelines for improved effectiveness. —Higher Education Abstracts

Fitting Form to Function reveals all the wisdom Weingartner has amassed in his long and successful double career as a philosopher-administrator. The book is unique in its combination of the common sense of experience and the rigor of philosophical analysis. Weingartner's maxims catch and summarize his approach beautifully. Above all, at a time when many doubt the possibility of creative and enjoyable administrative careers, Fitting Form to Function gives one reason to believe that the idea of thoughtful and practical educational leadership is not a contradiction in terms. This is a superbly readable and usable little book. —Stanley N. Katz, President of the American Council of Learned Societies

A college president, provost or dean - yes, even a department head - will find much here to assist in marshaling the centripetal forces that are needed to make a university a viable, productive and progressive home for learning and discovery. —Herbert A. Simon University Professor of Computor Services and Psych.

Page by page, Rudy Weingartner's analysis of the organization of academic institutions rings true. His nuts-and-bolts advice on how effective 'function' follows good 'form' will be useful to current and aspiring administrators at all levels. A unique feature of this volume are its 27 Maxims; they distill the wisdom of Weingartner's distinguished career as an academic administrator. I expect to cite them in my daily work with deans, department chairs and faculty. —Gershon Vincow Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Syracuse University

Rudy Weingartner has developed a set of 27 Maxims which provide useful guides for institutional organization, decision-making, and governance....Administrators and faculty members alike will find this book useful and informative. —Alice F. Emerson Senior Fellow, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Anyone interested in, or concenred about, the structure and administration of contemporary universities would do well to read Rudolph Weingartner's newest book, built around a series of maxims about how universities do or do not work effectively. There is much wisdom here, both for newcomers and experienced academic administrators. It is pithy and powerful. —Robert M. Berdahl President, University of Texas at Austin

Description: The way in which the various departments within colleges and universities are organized has a direct impact on their effectiveness. Factors such as reporting structures, what kinds of committees are formed, and how the administration and faculty collaborate to make decisions all play key roles in how well an institution meets its objectives.In a series of succinct chapters, the author examines the functions of each department within an academic institution, then offers explicit recommendations on the types of organizational structures and processes that are best suited to carry them out.


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После 10 лет совместной жизни (гр,брак) получл бонус в самом страшном,для меня,виде.Меня и мою дочку,моего ангела... ПРЕДАЛИ!Полтора года измены... ,как больно.Я здоровый,нормальный 33-х летний мужик,не пью,не курю,спорт почитаю,деньги в дом, не могу остановить слез.Узнал невзначай,услышал тел. диалог её с подругой.Рассказывала как страдает её этот без нее,а у него также семья,дети.
Пол года назад устроилась в офис,секретарем,сказала место неплохое.Я сначала обрадовался,помогал оф,технику осваивать,комп.Потом начались странности,но доверие было сильнее подозрения... как же обидно.Там он и работает,в руководстве,он же и пригласил к себе.Служебный роман перерос в банальный трах.Появилась дорогая косметика,золото.Причину говорит что не хватало внимания,приятных слов,любовных СМС... .Согласен,не ежедневно цветы дарил,с работы не забирал,кофе в постель... ,согласен.НО ЭТО ЖЕСТОКО!Секс?Всегда все только для неё,любой каприз.Ни какого насилия!
Призналась неохотно,просит простить,говорит собиралась с ним рвать а мне не легче.С работы уйдет,лишь бы простил.Мучается,я вижу,кается,страдает,Но нет во мне жалости,одна обида и вопрос"ЗА ЧТО?"
Вот уже неделя проходит,пустырник в место чаю уже пью.Ударился в тяжелый спорт,физическая боль отвлекает.Остались ли чувства?Сложно заявить,долго сообща были,привык.Но главное это дочка,ей мать нужна.
Прошу ли я совета,да!Как долго эта боль будет продолжатся,сколько времени?Может месть?Так на женщин как секс.объект попосмотреть не могу,воротит.Может психолог?Кто через этот ад прошел,поделитесь!Спасибо за внимание,для меня это важно!Проблему из семьи не выносим а здесь... легче!